Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Farewell to Asia...

Leaving Asia feels like an enormously pivotal moment for us. Traveling here for 3.5 months has completely transformed our understanding of the world. Before, we considered the Western world the "real world" and the developing/3rd world as the "other world ." The truth is, our way of life (Western) is the exception. The immensity of Asia is literally inconceivable. It is a world filled with struggle and beauty, newly formed and constantly changing governments, polution, overpopulation, and an extreme amount of diversity in culture, language and customs. We had expected that exposure to this world would make us question our Western way of life. What actually happened was the development of a deep-rooted pride in America and our ideals. There are many things that can be criticized about America, but as far as we have seen, we're doing a pretty good job. Sometimes it takes leaving a place to really see it.

That is exactly what is happening with our experience in India. The further we get from it, the less we feel the day-to-day hardships and the more we grow to appreciate the experience. It is a country of extremes, and we can't help but feel an extreme range of emotions. Respect for the spirituality and rituals that fill their daily lives; horrified by the filth and poverty; shocked by the huge gap between rich and poor; awed by the colorful saris and enormous forts and palaces; suffocated by the overpopulation and pollution; saddened by the begging children. India, for all the good and bad, will be with us for the rest of our lives.

The clash between ancient histories and countries entering the global community creates a dynamic relationship within Asia. You can literally see change before your eyes, with grandparents living amongst traditions of the past while their grandchildren talk on their cell phones and embrace the modern world. This was most evident in the small, secluded country of Bhutan.

We expect the effects of our time in Asia to be more apparent once we are settled back in the Western world. There is no doubt that what happens here will effect our world as a whole, whether it be developing economies or the environment. We no longer think of Asia as the "other world."

Watch how you go...

Ian and Greg


  1. Very well put. Bon Voyage to Dubai! Love you guys and loved seeing you the other night :)

  2. WOW!!!!!!!

    hugs and kisses xo Ali
