After a week in Tamil Nadu, we breathed a huge sigh of relief (and some cool fresh air) the moment we arrived in the hills of Periyar. Crossing the border from Tamil Nadu into Kerala was like going to a totally different country. The chaos, dirt, noise and crowded cities were replaced by a much quieter, cleaner, laid back cityscape. It turns out that Tamil Nadu is a region that very few tourists visit. Now that we are in Kerala, we realize how many tourists there are in this country. Even though much of Tamil Nadu was undesirable, we are glad we went. It broadened our perspective on India.
We really enjoyed our 3 days in Periyar. We took the time to chill out, walk through the animal sanctuary, and do some shopping (we bought our first piece of art).
Of course this was after a minor hiccup. We never do seem to learn our lesson about romantic notions. We had originally booked a "cabin" in the middle of the woods. We checked in and out after we found a scorpion on the wall of our cabin. Luckily, we found an amazing B&B down the road and were surrounded by monkeys!
Watch how you go...
Ian and Greg
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tamil Nadu, Continued...
After Parisian Pondicherry and the Mars-like Auroville, we re-entered the reality of India and continued on our way through more temple towns in Tamil Nadu. It has been hard to navigate our feelings; On one side, we feel amazed by the scale and beauty of these ancient temples. On the other side, we feel suffocated by the chaotic streets and cities. That's what being in this country is all about...finding a balance between the two.
Watch how you go...
Ian and Greg
Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram
Pretty standard really...
Brihadishwara Temple, Gangakondacholapuram...
Again, pretty standard...
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