Coming to Poland and visiting places like Auschwitz has made tangible the Nazi Regime's history and master plan. Seeing the "cockpit" of their genocide and the little remaining Jewish culture has made clear to us how efficient and successfult the Nazi's were. The Jewish life that we have encountered is nothing but a glimmer of the life that once existed. Nonetheless, what remains is a testament to strength and endurance. Beautiful, modern-day Krakow reminds us that there is more to a country's identity than the war's they were a part of.
Watch how you go and never forget...
Ian and Greg
Tower of Science & Culture in Warsaw, Stalin's gift to Soviet Poland...
Communist-era buildings still stand...
Pawiak Prison Memorial...
Market Square, Krakow...
Gratuitous Madonna shot...
Crazy. Thank you for sharing this. People are so crazy. Sigh.