Saturday, December 13, 2008

Road to Rotorua & Lake Taupo

Where we stopped for lunch on the way to Rotorua...
Eating our new favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner...PB&J!

Mountain Biking in Lake Taupo...

Huka Falls...

We weren't feeling Rotorua so after a night in our hostel, Astray (which we like to call an ash tray) we headed straight to Lake Taupo. We checked into the Rainbow Lodge which we nicknamed the Rainbow Playhouse. Who knew we would feel so old on this trip. The average age of the people staying there was 19. But it was really cool when we walked into the kitchen and saw a BRC (Black Rock City) sticker on someone's laptop. Turns out he's a Burner from San Diego and he's going to the Kiwi Burn coming up in February.
Mountain Biking was awesome. The river was crystal clear and at the end of our ride we were able to take a dip in a natural hot spring. We went to bed early to prep for our next day...the Tongariro Crossing.
ALEXIS - how was Aruba? We wish we could have been on the lazy river with you! Did you go down the slide again? We love and miss you more than you can imagine. We never had a little girl, we never had a little girl...
Watch how you go...
Ian & Greg


  1. I've been to the rainbow lodge! I've been to the rainbow lodge! I love that I've been some of the places you've been. I just wish I were there with you now :(

    Love and miss you.


  2. Yay for meeting a burner! Love the Huka falls pick
